To keep passersby from passing by the store, they need to be attracted. To do this, you can apply many types of outdoor advertising BSPROMO, but the most effective are signs and advertising structures, such as fly banners and roll-up stands.
At the same time, signage must meet a number of requirements, and be tailored to certain standards of the outlet, not to mention the technical and architectural standards in force in the city. Therefore, store owners or marketing experts of chains approach this issue responsibly.
Do not forget about the third-party factors that directly affect the effectiveness of advertising signage:
- Visibility of the structure – of course, the signage must be visible;
- The flow of passersby passing by the outlet or advertising structure;
- The direction of the flow to place the sign in the right direction;
- The presence of nearby traffic lights or other objects with lighting, so that the sign is not lost against their background;
- The ability to see the design from different angles and corners.
Также вывеска может оказаться незаметной, если около нее установлена другая рекламная конструкция – Flybanner. Этотмоменттоженужноучитывать.
Tasks and solutions with advertising structures.
So, developing the design of signage, you need to pay attention to a number of objectives.
- The target audience. This is actually the basis, because the potential customer should understand what price category products are sold there, whether it makes sense for him to go into the store at all. Similarly, it does not make sense for sellers to waste time and constantly be distracted by a new visitor, if he, seeing the prices, will immediately leave the store.
- First impression. Here it’s simple – the signage has to attract the customer. It either does or it doesn’t. If out of 100 passers-by only 1 buyer came into the store, then the advertising design is not suitable.
- Many creative marketers, trying to surprise the audience, offer so pretentious fonts that the name of the store is simply impossible to read. The modern buyer will not waste time trying to read the text, he will go on. Especially if it is a busy street, and stopping means creating a disturbance to other passers-by.
Materials of manufacture. There are many of them today, so you need to choose the right material, from which the sign construction will be made. It is important to consider the resistance to climatic conditions, because it is outdoor advertising.