Personal information is often meant to be private. But for a lot of workers, the right to privacy at work is a common concern. If your personal information has been disclosed by your employer, you may be eligible for legal relief. You need to seek help from a lawyer to know your options. This information includes your addresses, social security numbers, phone numbers, date of birth, and photos. In addition, electronic activity and medical records are personal information that must not be disclosed without your permission.
In general, employers can only disclose a worker’s personal information for legitimate business or legal purposes. With the continuous advancement in technology, the scope of employee privacy at work gets more complicated. Because of this, every possible violation must be carefully assessed. Below are legal grounds for filing a case against your employer for disclosing your personal information:
Breach of Confidentiality
A breach of confidentiality can happen in many situations. It can occur when your employer discloses your address to another employee, discloses a misdemeanor after they perform a background check, or discloses disciplinary information they obtained from your employment record.
Invasion of Privacy
Some actions that your employer takes may infringe upon your privacy. A good example is they install video surveillance cameras in an office restroom or locker and unlawfully view the footage. Also, an infringement can take place if your employer keeps track of your personal phone calls. This is true even if you use a work phone for making such calls.
Health Information Disclosure
Laws are in place to protect health-related information in the workplace. Your employer can only disclose your medical records to a supervisor or manager, investigating government officials, as well as safety and first-aid personnel. If they disclose this information to people not allowed under the law, they can be held liable for their actions.
Financial Information Disclosure
Your financial information can be covered under the privacy rights. You may want to sue your employer if they disclose your wage per hour or salary details to a colleague without your permission. Also, you may have a case against them if they disclose your credit score information after a background check to co-workers.
Filing a lawsuit against your boss for disclosing your personal information can be a challenging endeavor. You need to seek expert advice from an employment attorney in these situations. A great attorney will help you understand and protect your rights, give you strong representation, and focus on reaching a favorable outcome in your case.