The Korean Film Archive, formally known as the Korean Federation of Film Archives, is the only film archive in South Korea with a nationwide coverage. Founded in 1974, the organization was established as a nonprofit organization in Seoul. Its mission is to preserve and promote film culture in the country. The archive holds over 4.5 million film reels from over two centuries of South Korean cinema.
The Archive’s online database offers access to hundreds of Korean films, documentary programs, and related materials. It is the only film archiving organization in Korea and aims to preserve and promote the visual culture of the country. The films and related materials from the archive will provide an insight into the country’s past century and culture.
The Korean Film Archive’s collection contains over 400 films available online for free. It is regularly uploading selections from its vast collection to its Korean Movie Database. Recent selections include melodramas about women, heartwarming classical movies, and spy thrillers from the 1950s and 1960s. The site also hosts hundreds of films on its Youtube channel.
The Korean Film Archive’s online collection includes films made by popular Korean directors. These include films from the 1960s, such as Hyun-mok Yoo’s post-war drama “Aimless Bullet.” You can also find early works by popular American filmmakers. Hong Sang-soo’s debut “The Day a Pig Fell in the Well” is also available for free streaming.
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