Have you ever gotten an X-ray? Well, a dental X-ray is no different! A dentist uses these radiographic images to understand if there are any issues in your mouth and if you need medical attention. You need not worry about the radiation as they are incredibly mild and do not harm you. They are handy for the dentist to analyze if there are signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or any other condition.
Dental X-rays may be intraoral, or extraoral. As the name suggests, the former is when an X-ray is taken inside the mouth, and the latter is taken outside the mouth. The test is taken depending on what part of your mouth the dentist needs to evaluate. Mark Sutton DDS will offer the best dental healthcare advice to you.
Why do you need to get dental X-rays?
Depending on the situation, you might be required to get X-rays yearly or more frequently if the dentist keeps track of any condition in your teeth. Based on your age, history of dental conditions (like gum disease or tooth decay), or any symptoms of oral disease, your dentist might suggest you get an lazydadreviews X-ray.
How do they work?
If you are getting one, you would want to know how dental X-rays work. Dental X-rays work on the principle of electromagnetic opcritic radiation like any other regular X-rays. This beam of rays creates an X-ray image of the teeth and soft tissues in your mouth. You should also know dental X-rays use nearly 80% less radiation than regular X-rays.
What can they detect?
- They can detect cavities, even the small ones between the teeth that might be hard to trace with a normal visual examination
- If there are any infections in the mouth, you can identify them through dental X-rays
- Early detection of oral cancer as the X-ray shows the cysts and tumors in your mouth
- If there is bone loss due to tooth naamagazines decay in your mouth, dental X-rays will catch it
How safe are dental X-rays?
You need not be worried about the radiation at all! As mentioned earlier, the radiation in this type of X-ray is nearly 90% less than normal. In fact, it is the same amount as the radiation you receive from televisions or smartphones. If you are planning to get a dental X-ray while you are pregnant, or someone around you is and is planning to get an X-ray, do not! This is because any amount of radiation might be harmful userteamnames.