If you’ve decided to start you own land scape business, you sure to have an eye for detail, clever planning skills and a can do attitude.
Here are some of the tools you may require to get started.
1. A decent lawn mower.
A lawn is the foundation of most gardens.
It’s a place for the children to play and run and for the family to sit and have picnics or play sports such as footy on.
A decent lawn mower will ensure you complete the mowing side of things in good time and with ease, leaving no patches or un even rows.
2. Whipper snipper
This will help you get those tricky edges of the garden nice and trim and looking professional and tidy.
A lawn mower can be tricky if not impossible to manoeuvre around the tight edges of some gardens as well as fences and other sneaky little parts.
3. A leaf blower.
This baby will help you tidy up after the jobs completed.
Sweeping can be back breaking and time consuming, especially if you have a large area or stairs to cover.
A leaf blower is quick, painless and easy to use, ensuring you have a neat and presentable area.
4. Wheelbarrows
This critter can help you transport sand, soil, rocks or your tools and equipment from one area to another without making multiple time-consuming trips.
A wheelbarrow will save you time and discourage heavy lifting and carrying of items long distanced which will help protect your back and muscles from over use and possible exertion.
5. Pruners and shears
These are similar to scissors, but for plants and shrubs.
They help give greenery a makeover, by trimming them back and maintaining a shape.
This keeps plants healthy and your clients happy.
6. Shovels and spades
Shovels and spades can help you distribute sand, soil, mulch and other materials over garden beds and other areas.
They can also assist in moving small mounds of pebbles and rocks.
Naturally, you’d use these for digging too.
7. Hose nozzles with a variety of settings.
You can’t always guarantee your client will have one of these on hand, or a nozzle that is best suited for the job you need to do.
It’s always a good idea to be prepared.
8. Weed remover
Nothing makes a lawn or garden look a little worse for wear than weeds.
Once these little fiends take up residence, they can spread and start to climb into garden beds, take over the lawn and make the place look untidy and poorly maintained.
Having some weed remover can help you eliminate these pests and have the yard looking all spick and span again.
9. An edger
If you want to ensure you have those clear, crisp solid edges on those lawns, grab one of these beauties.
They’ll make the lawn look much neater and cleaner.
10. Safety Gear
It goes without saying, even though you might be your own boss, you still need to stay safe.
You have a duty of care to yourself to provide yourself with the right protective gear.
Hats and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
Kneepads and gloves for gardening and appropriate gear such as helmets, face shields and protective glasses if you are using some of the heavier and more construction related equipment we’re going into next.
11. Cement mixer or at least access to one
Landscapers don’t just do gardening, sone of them may have experience and qualifications in construction related fields.
Paving, concreting or building retaining walls may also be part of the job, as well as potentially some carpentry activities.
If you have these skills sets, they might come in handy and are only an asset to you range of services you can offer customers.
Not everyone has the space for a cement mixer and it might not be a piece of equipment you want to cart around.
It’s an idea to have access to one if you need to use it, to save on the cost of hiring one.
12. Bricklaying tools.
Items such as trowels, spirit levels, brick carriers and line blocks and pins are essential pieces of equipment to complete concreting jobs.
13. Masonary saw
If you’re going to be working with bricks and wood, this will help you cut the material without busting your back, as you use it standing up, rather than squatting over a saw and plugging away slowly.
14. Demo Saw
Speaking of saws, these hand-held versions can easily cut wooden or concrete sleepers and aren’t limited by a stand.
15. HydraulicTipper Trailers
Tipper trailers are perfect if you’re working larger scale jobs or garden renovations, these trailers are actually a but fancy and rather impressive in a way.
You load your cargo on and when you get it to where you want it to be, you simply unload it all in one swift and super easy movement by tipping the hydraulic trailer.
It does all the hard work for you, saving your time and energy.
Your business may not have the capacity for a dump truck to shift those large loads of sand and other essential heavy material.
But this is the next best thing.
It’s easy enough to attach to your SUV, ute or other vehicle and transport heavy loads to and from jobs and locations as required.
16. A positive attitude
Starting your own business often means taking a huge leap of faith and trusting in your skills, experience and knowledge.
It’s not always easy and steady work may not always be guaranteed.
According to fundsquire.com, in their first year, 20% of businesses will fail and 60% within their initial three years.
It takes dedication and hard work.
Clients are more likely to rebook you or recommend you if you have a positive attitude and good work ethic and get the job done well and within a good time frame.