Most people have experienced pain in the back at some time or another. In most cases, the discomfort can be traced back to incorrect strain on the muscles, but the cause could also be a herniated disc. Although herniated discs increasingly affect people of advanced age, young people can also experience problems with their intervertebral discs.
The reason for this is mainly a modern lifestyle, which is not necessarily back-friendly. Through too long and frequent sitting as well as lack of movement in everyday life, a reduction of musculature takes place. This in turn leads to poor posture, which causes the intervertebral discs to become brittle over time.
When it comes to the prevention of a herniated disc, this is precisely the point that should be addressed in order to maintain the health and performance of the back.
Prevention against herniated disc – these measures are useful
In addition to the modern lifestyle, genes can certainly also promote the development of a herniated disc, which is referred to in English as disc prolapse spinal disc herniation.
However, in most cases, sitting for too long, lifting heavy weights incorrectly or being overweight are responsible for excessive wear and tear of the intervertebral discs. These factors can certainly be prevented.
Sufficient exercise
Sufficient exercise plays an extremely important role for healthy intervertebral discs.
Only when the muscles in the back are regularly loaded and unloaded can nutrients and water reach the gel core of the intervertebral discs and the metabolic products be channeled out.
Reduce body weight
Excess weight places significant stress on the back, as well as on the spine and intervertebral discs.
For this reason, care should be taken at any age to keep body weight within a healthy range. If necessary, healthy measures should be taken to reduce body weight.
Correct lifting
When it comes to lifting heavy weights, care must be taken to ensure that the loads are evenly distributed on both sides of the body. In addition, the weight should be carried as close to the body as possible. The torso should also not be twisted too much during the lifting process.
During the lifting itself, the leg muscles should be used by bending at the knees or squatting down.
Changing the sitting position
If long activities are performed in a seated position, the position should also be changed at regular intervals. It is by no means necessary to sit perfectly straight the entire time.
The spine is also greatly relieved if the arms are placed on the tabletop and the upper body is in contact with the backrest.
Healthy sleeping position
Adequate sleep is also important for back health. The ideal position for falling asleep is supine or on the side, with the legs slightly bent.
In this way, the natural S-shape of the spine is supported. The mattress should also not be too soft, if possible.
Sufficient fluid
Sufficient fluid intake also keeps the back dynamic and healthy. Ideally, between two and three liters of water should be consumed per day. If enough fluid is consumed, it ensures that the intervertebral discs remain elastic and plump. It also flushes important nutrients into the gel core of the disc.
Numerous nutrients also support back health, such as vitamin C, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.