If you have suffered injuries in an accident where another person was at fault, you could be torn between going against the at-fault party independently or having a lawyer representing you.
Ideally, you should work with a lawyer if you hope to get what you deserve for your damages. But this decision may not come easy, considering the amount of trust you will place in your injury attorney’s hands. This guide points out some interesting facts about why hiring a lawyer may be a good idea and will be a good read before initiating your claims process.
Damage Valuation
The amount you get as compensation will depend on the losses suffered, and the only way to ensure you get what you rightfully deserve is to value your damages correctly.
Economic damages are relatively straightforward in valuations because you only need to get a sum of all monetary expenses and losses, such as medical bills, lost wages, the cost of prescription medication, etc.
Valuation for non-economic damages can be a little complex and may require the application of some special formulas and negotiations. As such, the negotiation skills of a personal injury lawyer make a huge difference.
Protecting You from the Opposing Side
“The opposing side’s insurer is all about protecting their interests, which are profits. They will use every trick in the book to lower the value of your claim, even when it could mean trampling on your rights,” says Kentucky personal injury attorney, Chandler Maze.
A Personal injury lawyer will protect victims against the opposing side’s attempts to trample on their rights. In some cases they do not even have to say a word or do anything; their presence on your side is enough to gain more respect than you would have had without the legal support, or the wrong attorney on your side.
Making Decisions on Your Behalf
After an accident, you have the overwhelming burden of worring about paying medical bills, life after an accident, and whether you will recover fair compensation which you may need to rely on for future damages. With so much on your mind following an accident, you may not think quite as clearly, which does not help with decision-making.
Your accident attorney, on the other hand, is perfectly used to pressure, meaning they are in a better position to make sound judgments on issues affecting your claim. Also, making decisions is what they do for a living, and you can almost be sure that the decisions they make for you will be in your best interests.
Representing You in Court
In most cases, personal injury claims in Kentucky do not go to trial. Lawyers from both sides recognize the uncertainties of going to trial and are usually willing to make some compromises. However, there are situations where going to trial may be necessary, for example, where the opposing side’s offer is too low for the damages suffered.
The guidance of an experienced lawyer is invaluable when navigating a personal injury case in the trial phase because of the complexity of court rules and procedures. When it comes to your decision to hire an accident attorney, ensure they have experience winning cases at trial by asking them or checking out their website.
Traditionally, the cost of hiring a lawyer is always a major concern for anyone. However, the good news is for most personal injury law firms, you only pay the lawyer if they win your case. Studies have shown that navigating a claim with a lawyer improves your chances of a fair outcome by a significant margin, even when considering the lawyer’s cut. So, out of pocket legal fees in this type of case should not typically dissuade you from hiring a lawyer.